Sedation Dentistry Near You

Dental care is important, and neglecting serious oral health treatments can be hazardous. However, many people avoid getting timely treatment due to dental anxiety or stress. If you are an anxious patient, you don’t have to let your anxiety keep you from having a beautiful, healthy smile.

At Dr. Mahoney’s office, we are understanding about your anxiety and will do everything in our power to make you feel comfortable and at home in our office. If you need a procedure done, and the thought of that procedure is causing you anxiety or stress, you may want to consider sedation dentistry near you.

oxide sedation in wetaskiwin

Dental Sedation: Helping You Relax

Sedation dentistry in Wetaskiwin utilizes light anesthetic to induce conscious sedation, a state of relaxation, and calm. You can undergo sedation dentistry for stress relief and comfort during any procedure. After a sedation dentistry treatment, you will be awake enough to answer questions, but you will feel completely at ease during the procedure.

Conscious sedation allows you to enjoy your dental visit here in Wetaskiwin!

How Dental Sedation Works

First, our office reviews your medical history. If you are a good candidate for dental sedation, you are given a pill to take one hour prior to your dental appointment. The pill will work quickly and create a relaxed, almost sleep-like state. You will already feel drowsy when you arrive. Make sure you have someone else drive you to your appointment to ensure safety.

During treatment, your vital signs will be monitored. You will be able to respond to any commands or questions, but will probably not recall events while the drug is in effect. Sedation dentistry in Wetaskiwin provides a relaxing, comfortable experience for you and gives an opportunity for us to do multiple treatments in an appointment.

With sedation available, you can relax while we improve your smile. Sedation dentistry near you is not just available for patients with anxiety. If you have a high gag reflex, you can also talk to our dental staff about sedation options. For more information on our conscious sedation treatments, feel free to speak to Dr. Mahoney. He is proud to offer his sedation dentistry near you to everyone in the Wetaskiwin area, from Camrose to Leduc! If you fear dental visits, come visit our dental clinic to experience an appointment like no other.

sedation dentistry near you